Acts 3:19 [Textus Receptus (Elzevir) (1624)]403
Μετανοήσατε οὖν καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε, εἰς τὸ ἐξαλειφθῆναι ὑμῶν τὰς ἁμαρτίας· ὅπως ἄν ἔλθωσι καιροί ἀναψύξεως ἀπό προσώπου τοῦ Κυρίου ,
Acts 3:19 [Codex Sinaiticus (א or 01) (4th century)]q86f8vc2
Μετανοησαται ουν και επιστρεψαται προς το εξαλιφθηναι ϋμων τας αμαρτιας οπως αν ελθωσιν καιροι αναψυξεως απο προσωπου του ΚΥ Acts 3:19 [Codex Alexandrinus (Royal MS 1 D VIII) (A02) (5th century)] Acts 3:19 [Codex Vaticanus Gr. 1209 (B03) (4th century)] 78bc1
μετανοησατε ουν και επιστρεψατε προς το εξαλε ιφθηναι ϋμων τας αμαρτιας οπως αν ελθωσιν καιροι αναψυξεως απο προσωπου του ΚΥ Acts 3:19 [Codex Ephraemi Syri Rescriptus (C04) (5th century)] Acts 3:19 [Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (D05) (5th century)] Acts 3:19 [Codex Laudianus (MS. Laud Gr. 35) (E08) (6th century)]22r-v|51-52
Μετανοησατε ου- και επιστρεψατ(??) εις το εξαλιφθη(ναι??) ῡμων τας αμαρτιας οπως αν ελθωσιν καιροι αναψυξεως ῡμιν απο προσωπου ΚΥ
4th Century
London, British Library
5th Century
London, British Library
5th Century
Cambridge, University Library
6th Century
Oxford, United Kingdom, Bodleian Library
7th Century
Cologny/Genf, Bodmeriana
9th–10th Century
Kosinitza Monastery, Drama, Greece (Formerly: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago)
10th Century
National Library of Greece, Athens
11th Century
National Library of Greece, Athens
12th Century
Basel, University Library
13th Century
National Library of Greece, Athens
13th Century
Vienna, Austria, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
14th Century
National Library of Greece, Athens
15th Century
Leicester, Leicestershire [England] Record Office
15th Century
National Library of Greece, Athens
(1) μετανοησατε : B, E
(2) μετανοησαται : א
(3) επιστρεψατε : B
(4) επιστρεψαται : א (5) εις : E
(6) προς : א, B (7) εξαλειφθηναι : B1
(8) εξαλιφθηναι : א, B*, E (9) ελθωσι :
(10) ελθωσιν : א, B, E (11) αναψυξεως : B
(12) ADD υμιν : E (13) του Κυριου : א, B
(14) OMIT του : E? (Latin = Domini)
1 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 2 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 3 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 4 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 5 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 6 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 1 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 2 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 3 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 4 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 5 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 6 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 7 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 8 (random) , , |
2540 4383 2962 9 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 10 (random) , , |
266 4383 2962 11 (random) , , |
266 2540 2962 12 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 13 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 14 (random) , , |
2540 4383 2962 15 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 16 (random) , , |
2540 4383 2962 17 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 18 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 19 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 20 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 21 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 22 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 23 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 24 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 25 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 26 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 27 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 28 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 29 (random) , , |
2064 266 2962 30 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 31 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 32 (random) , , |
2540 4383 2962 33 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 34 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 35 (random) , , |
2540 4383 2962 36 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 37 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 38 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 266 4383 39 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 40 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 41 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 4383 2962 42 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 4383 2962 43 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 44 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 45 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 266 2962 46 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 47 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 48 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 49 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 50 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 51 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 52 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 53 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 54 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 55 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 56 (random) , , |
2064 2540 2962 57 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 266 2962 58 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 4383 2962 59 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 4383 2962 60 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 4383 2962 61 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 4383 2962 62 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 266 2540 63 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 266 4383 64 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 266 2962 65 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 2540 4383 66 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 2540 2962 67 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 4383 2962 68 (random) , , |
266 2540 4383 69 (random) , , |
266 2540 2962 70 (random) , , |
266 4383 2962 71 (random) , , |
2540 4383 2962 72 (random) ὑμῶν, , , |
1813 266 2540 4383 73 (random) ὑμῶν, , , |
1813 266 2540 2962 74 (random) ὑμῶν, , , |
1813 266 4383 2962 75 (random) ὑμῶν, , , |
1813 2540 4383 2962 76 (random) , , , |
266 2540 4383 2962 77 (random) ὑμῶν, , , , |
1813 266 2540 4383 2962 78 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 79 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 80 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 81 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 82 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 83 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 84 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 85 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 86 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 87 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 88 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 89 (random) , , |
266 2540 2962 90 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 91 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 4383 2962 92 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 4383 2962 93 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 94 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 95 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 96 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 97 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 98 (random) ὑμῶν, , |
1813 2540 4383 99 (random) , , |
2064 2540 2962 100 (random) , , |
266 4383 2962 101 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 102 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 103 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 104 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 2064 2540 105 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 106 (random) , , |
2064 2540 4383 107 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 108 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 109 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 110 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 4383 2962 111 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 112 (random) μετανοήσατε, ἐπιστρέψατε, |
3340 1994 2962 113 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 114 (random) μετανοήσατε, ἐπιστρέψατε, |
3340 1994 2962 115 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 116 (random) , , |
2540 4383 2962 117 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 118 (fragment) |
575 4383 3588 119 (random) ἐπιστρέψατε, , |
1994 2540 2962 120 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314 121 (random) , , |
2064 4383 2962 122 (fragment) καὶ ἐπιστρέψατε πρὸς |
2532 1994 4314